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Saturday, December 13, 2008


Awhile ago on Suzi Blu's site she held a contest for people to reinterpret a tarot card or make their own oracle card. I decided to go with the Death card. I have always been drawn to this card and to the idea of death and rebirth, to change. I think each and every second we die a little bit and are reborn with new ideas, new thoughts, new experiences. Death to me isn't so scary when I think of it in terms of growth and change. Even our literal death is merely a transformation. After all, we humans are quite simply energy and energy never dies but is transformed continually. I guess this is why I am also drawn to the idea of reincarnation, but that's a whole 'nother topic.

Anyway, I did a little research on the traditional symbols used in the Death card and decided to incorporate them into my card. Aeclectic Tarot is a great site to research tarot meanings and to look at the many different kinds of decks available (I am currently in love with this deck which retails for $75, yikes!). Through this site I found that the death card often has a skeleton type figure representing death walking on a desolate road. Also commonly featured is a sunrise and a child. To me this symbolizes the rebirth and change aspect of this card. I decided to incorporate these 3 symbols but with a Kati twist: Death would be dancing and happy and the child would appear to be happy too. This is what I came up with:

To me this card almost appears joyful, which I think death can be. And apparently it resonated with Suzi Blu as well since she chose my card to be the winner of her contest. Quite frankly I was shocked to win. I know this card is good, i won't hide behind false humility, but so many of the cards sent in were excellent! I was truly astounded at the quality of work that came out of this contest. Watch the video below to see all the cards entered in the contest and you'll see what i mean. Although the contest was over a month ago now the themes that my card represents seem to be weighing on my mind which is i guess why I am sharing this with you now.


Mary Bee said...

Congrats on the win. How nice for you and so confirming. You and I share much on our views of death. I believe if ones life is difficult it is because we have lessons to learn because of wrong doings in our previous life. So hopefully we learn from the difficulties. Evolve, do good, and grow, then our next life will be easier.

Amy L. Fair said...

soooo cool! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased for you. That is a great card. Death does seem joyous here. I believe that death is just a door that opens to more new experience, an even better life. So congratulations!

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