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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 Days of Christmas DAY 4

WOOT! This has been a wonderful present opening day! Egrobeck (Elaine) totally outdid herself with 3 gifts for each participant and all were suited to each persons likes and dislikes. I guess Eileen did some profile reading before starting up! There are several pics today as most gifts are double sided! The 1st gift is an amazing glass slide pendant. Knowing that I love skulls and all thing anatomy related I received a gorgeous pendant on that theme, here's side 1:

And side 2:

Keeping with the skull theme Elaine made me a gorgeous altered CD filled with skulls. I had know idea that those pesky AOL CD's could actual become a thing of beauty. Side 1:

Side 2:

Last but not least is a wonderful altered bamboo tile doll. It is also 2 sided but I was getting lazy with picture taking so only one side is showing:

I am so thrilled with these gifts! How lucky can one girl get? (Don't answer that!)

1 comment:

Mary Bee said...

Posting aside, and art aside, where did you get those finger hooks. I want some soooooooo bad.

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