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Monday, June 28, 2010

antler folk atc's

one of my greatest pleasures these days is hosting atc swaps on www.illustratedatcs.com and www.atcsforall.com (the 1st site is juried, the 2nd site is not). part of the fun is coming up with interesting themes that i'd like to collect. my recent obsession has been with antlered folks. you know, people with antlers. of course i know they don't really exist, but they look so awesome in art. and the cool thing is, it's easy to make antlered folk whether you are a hand drawn artist or a mixed media collage artist (like me). it's accessible.

just find some antler images online, print them out (and in my case color them), and add them to the person of your choice. antlers make anyone look striking.

what was really fun for me in make these particular cards was i also played with my other 2 obsessions: spray paint, and cool color combos--in this case yellow, aqua, and pink. to me, they mix a look of ancient times, when fairies existed, with a more modern look.

as always, i've added bits of intriguing text to further the sense of story. text is a common denominator with the majority of my art. here it is added in the background--finnish text, and then an english word or phrase. i really love how these turned out. what are some of your fave techniques?


Dita Maulani said...

this inspires me to make a collage. The second lady i like. deery thought.


katilady said...

thanks so much--glad to have inspired you to create!

Zeahnna said...

that is so cute!

katilady said...

thanks so much!

Katie said...

Love these ladies! Great blog!

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