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Thursday, June 10, 2010

nature's inspiration

the last place i expect to see nature rearing it's gorgeous head is at work. work is about paperwork, and deadlines, and driving, and courthouses, and tears--many things, but never nature. yesterday when i went to leave for my lunch break out the back door i happened to glance down. and what did my squinty eyes behold? a tiny, gorgeous, perfect tree frog. this little guy was so perfectly still, except for the blinking of his eyes. i am calling it a he, but of course it may as well have been a she. either way, a bit a beauty that made me pause during a busy day. lucky for both of us i carry my camera everywhere i go!


Janet said...

He/she is such a pretty lime green color, too! And so small you could have easily missed it if you hadn't looked down.

Oh, My Darling said...

Oh, what a fun little surprise to encounter!

Cheryl Ann said...

Cute! These kind of suprises are the best! :)

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