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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


it happens to the best of us. months of feverishly making art turn into listless weeks of inaction (at least where art is concerned). my friend annie (eraserqueen) posted some a burnout exercise. below are my responses. i encourage anyone else who is feeling the burn to give it a try. post it on your blog and let me know about it!

What kind of block are you experiencing?

i am definitely having an idea block and a collage block. i've been focusing a lot of energy on drawing lately (faces and more faces) and i can't seem to come up with any collage ideas for other projects. i am in a rut. i feel like everything i do is old and boring. i am sick of it, of the art i make.

How is this making you feel?

FRUSTRATED! i want to create! and i can't. i want to get messy and jucy with layers and instead i feel stuck in the mud.

What artist do you currently admire?

currently i am enamored with anyone that can watercolor decently. the first person that comes to mind here is reneenault.

with her art i love the simplicity of her lines and the juicyness of her colors. i love the intricate detail work she does as well. and her themes are always thought provoking.

Pretend you can right now travel to where ever you want and create art isspiried by your surroundings. Where would this be? What would you see there? and What would you make?

i would love to travel to berlin. it's art scene there is alive and well and i really dig urban settings. i lovelovelove german accents too, lol, and german food. i am german by heritage and i would love to explore the history there as well. but mostly i want to go for the humming, vibrating, colorful city.

What colors currently excite you, and why?

i love complimentary colors. all different kinds of them. i love the push-pull they create and their ability to make eachother seem more alive.

i also dig layers of pink with layers of orange. again, it's juicy.

How can you immerse you self in the color you love? Is there anything you can paint your favorite color?

i could paint anything those colors, but i can't think of anything i want to paint. i need some impetus to paint something those colors. like a swap theme or a trade.

What forms currently excite you and why?

faces. i love faces and the human figure.

How would you like to surround yourself with this form? What room do you want this form to be in?

faces are everywhere, lol!

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