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Saturday, November 1, 2008

I have this weird hangup, one that doesnt really make sense--although I am in love with the work of some incredible collage artists I feel, on some level (for MYSELF) that to be a true artist I must be able to draw. First off, what the fuck is a true artist? How did I get that nonsense into my head? Secondly, why drawing? Why is that the TRUE for of art and collage or photography or mixed media not? See? I am kinda nuts.

BUT, going along with this strange supposition I have enrolled myself in Suzi Blu's Mixed Media Les Petite Dolls class (yes, she's the zany but adorable woman who makes out with her dog on youtube--also a GREAT artist!). I will be the first to admit the idea of learning to draw online is kinda silly, but the class works for me. Suzi makes videos of her lessons, I download them and watch at my leisure. She gives homework and there is a support network on her site to get help from.

I am posting a couple of pics of stuff I have drawn after a couple of lessons. Believe me, this class has not made me into a genius drawer, but my fear of drawing has lessened dramatically. I have even signed up for a drawing swap on atcsforall.com. This is HUGE for me! Anyway, here's to doing the hard and challenging thing...

1 comment:

Anne said...

I love these Suzi girls! You're doing a fabulous job! And all you have to do to be an artist is to create. That could be creating a fabulous spaghetti sauce or a scratchy stick figure. Doesn't matter whether it is "good" or not ... just that you created it! Glad you're being nice to your inner artist!

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