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Thursday, July 15, 2010

summer garden week 3

my sweet little container garden has grown much since i first posted pics. i had to harvest some lettuce (red sails) after i took these pics cause they were running out of room!

the herbs are growing like crazy and i added a strawberry plant.

the hollyhocks (back row) are starting to take off too!

i've added another strawberry container and the medium pot will hopefully contain poppies when the sprout!

who else is gardening this summer? any container gardeners? how goes it?


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Like your square garden. It was a nice tour. Iflorist.co.uk

katilady said...

hey! thanks beth!

Cheryl Ann said...

I'm doing a tiny bit of container gardening too - it's fun! And I'm helping Dad with his big garden when I have time. Looks like your plants are doing great! :)

Michael Wurm Jr said...

i'm going cherry tomatoes in pots this year and they are HUGE! almost taller than me. full of beautiful green tomatoes about to turn red!

there's really nothing better!

Janet said...

Just about every year I try some container gardening but where we live it's super hot, windy and dry so things don't do too good. We have a couple of tomato plants and a couple of green pepper plants. But nothing like what you have going!

Rina said...

LOve your container garden...I wanted to do a raised garden this year but never got around to it...next year for sure!!!

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