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Saturday, July 24, 2010

monochromatic 4x4 pick-a-theme

i recently hosted a swap at www.illustratedatcs.com that was a monochromatic 4x4 PAT. what the heck? basically as folks signed up they were put in groups of 6 and asked to pick a color. they then had to make a 4x4 piece of art for everyone in their group in the colors people had chosen. here is the art for my group:

turquoise for eraserqueen

cobalt blue for coffeelatte

red for nicci

red for cindyjob

orange for amerasu

next time i will share the beautiful art i received in return!


Heather said...

these are great! Thanks for coming to visit me and seeing my arizona postcards :) such an amazing place, how fun it must have been to grow up there....

Sara said...

I absolutely love these!!! Glad to have them in my mail art book!!! You should post to your blog some more!

helen said...

these are nice! they remind me of some mail art I have seen people do.

Anonymous said...

your work inspires me to get to work! great stuff :)

amanda @ http://paintundermynails.blogspot.com/

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