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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

apologies my friends!

i am so sorry i have been absent for a bit but i do have several good excuses:
1) i suffer from bipolar disorder and have had to deal with some mood swings
2) then i went out of town to play with artsy friends for my bday
3) and a few days after that my mom and niece came to town
4) and to top it all off i got into a car accident with my niece--never fear, we are alright--although my car isn't drivable at the moment.

i hope you all can understand my absence. i forced myself to keep creating during even the bleakest times and made lots of art with my niece thea which was delightful!

thea at the beach in trinidad, ca:

inchies thea made, which are for trade BTW:

butterfly chunky for swap i am hosting at amusing muses:

my mom, dotdots, at a birthday party friends held for me:

collaboration canvas made during artsy trip to redding, ca. background was by me, sun by joyflower, pretty girl by nuttynanner, and collage with mean words by amyfaerie:
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